Saturday, June 11, 2022

Day 68 Eighty Mile Beach, WA

Sometimes when I sit down to write my blog my mind goes blank, like today.  It's the days where you are doing nothing more than lazing around that are the hardest to write about, and today was just that kind of day.  But having said that, we achieved a lot today.  After our morning walk, we sat down with the WikiCamps app and we have booked all our accomodation right through until the 14th July. It's not easy, let me tell you.  Western Australia is buzzing with tourists after the rest of Australia was denied entry to the state for such a long time.  I'm not blaming them at all for closing their borders because Queensland did the same thing. But it is heartening to now be able to travel wherever we like in Australia without any restrictions.  

We don't like to travel with dates in mind as it is so restrictive when you find a place that you really want to spend more time at or vice versa where you don't find much at all to see and do in a certain place.  But the fact of the matter is that June, July and August are peak season and we have found many places to be very difficult to book.  For example Ningaloo.  Exmouth has only two caravan parks and it was just sheer luck that we got into one of the parks as they had received a cancellation just before I rang.  More good luck than good management. Coral Bay is another place that is very difficult to get into and we really wanted to stay here as it came from a recommendation by my friend Lynn.  But, luck again, we have managed to score six nights here.

I've just got to think about what else we did today.  Philip took the Toyota to the wash down area and gave it a good bath, concentrating on the underneath as it has been on the beach two days in a row now and we need to get rid of that salty water.  He also re-inflated the tyres so we are now set to travel again tomorrow.  While Philip was doing that I made a cake, my Five Ingredient Orange Almond Cake.  It is such an easy cake to make but the baking of it was a little tricky with my "oven".  It is delicious and we enjoyed it for afternoon smoko.

The last thing for us to do today was to say goodbye to Eighty Mile Beach by watching the sun go down over this beautiful place.  Eighty Mile Beach really is a treasure find and I can't recommend it enough if you are ever in this area.  The caravan park is one of the best we have stayed in and considering the isolation they have to contend with, the staff do an amazing job.  Philip was talking to another camper this morning who has been coming here for ten weeks every year for ten years.  He has seen nearly all the trees at the park ripped out of the ground due to cyclones that frequent this area, but looking around the park you would never know that it has been through any sort of devastation.  I don't know that we will ever get back here......probably not, but we are sure to take some amazing memories with us (and the odd shell 🐚)

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