Sunday, June 5, 2022

Day 62 Broome, WA

 Around 7pm last night we thought we had a disaster as the power inside our van suddenly died.  Philip went outside to look at our power source just as the gentleman from next door walked out of his van.  He said that he still had power and Philip plugged into his power point but......nothing.  So it was back inside the van to check all fuses as I had heard a popping sound just as the power went out.  Philip found the circuit breaker that I heard and reset it, but still nothing.  We were really scratching our heads and also cursing that it was a Saturday evening and we wouldn't be able to get anyone to look at the van until Monday!

Meanwhile, outside we could hear people talking so Philip went outside and it turns out that everyone along our side of the road was without power!  (The old mate that said he still had power didn't realise that he was running on battery power, apparently).  Anyway, after phone calls to management, who were very apologetic because they couldn't find a key to get to the main power board, the manager run extension cords to those that needed power through the night, ie. those on breathing apparatus, and we elected to just run on battery power.  The electrician arrived early this morning to restore power and it turns out that a camper had come in late, put down his power legs - right on top of his extension lead that immediately threw out the whole circuit.  Fortunately no-one was hurt.

Anyway, what about today.  Well we woke quite early so decided to do the Jetty to Jetty walk, around 7 kms.  It is really just an extension of the walk we have been doing most days but walking earlier this morning was very pleasant.  When we got back we decided to skip breakfast and just save our hunger for lunch.  But first we decided to get in one last swim on Cable Beach.  Amazingly, it was very quiet on the beach this morning, and we can only presume that people have been partying hard and sleeping in, as it is a long weekend here in WA.

We didn't stay very long because Philip was trying to darken his screen while reading his book and turned his whole screen black!  We were frantically trying to google on my phone how to restore his phone, with no luck.  When we arrived back at the van and stood in the darkness we could just see enough on his screen to once again up the brightness.  Wwwhhheww!

Lunch today was at the Mangrove Hotel.  We have walked or driven past here nearly everyday and it always seems busy so that is usually a good sign.  The outdoor area is lovely as it sits high above the mangroves, with views that stretch for many kilometres over Roebuck Bay and beyond.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but what about the colour of that ocean! 

It was a near perfect day weather wise, and we are just hoping this wonderful weather will follow us further south tomorrow.  For lunch Philip ordered the garlic pizza and I decided on the braised beef rib on mash with a pickled papaya.  The pickled papaya grabbed my attention and I must say that it was delicious alongside the beef and potato.  It sounds weird, but it worked!

After lunch we did a last minute grocery shop as we are staying at places over the next week that are a little off the beaten track.  Our next major town will be Port Headland.  I'm not sure how good the mobile reception will be at Barn Hill Station Stay, so if I don't post anything over the coming days be warned you will have a lot to read when I do have coverage!

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