Thursday, July 20, 2023

Miles, Qld

Since my last post we have spent four days in Toowoomba where we spent time with my mum.  We were also lucky enough to have my sister and her husband join us for a few days.  We spent the days chin wagging, lunching and just generally lazing around.  We stayed at our favourite caravan park in Toowoomba that fronts the West Creek Pathway so each morning we set off on some lovely long walks that our bodies were craving.  The walk runs from the University of Southern Queensland to the town centre - around 15kms. As our caravan park is almost at the halfway mark we went either left or right.  Philip even managed to get a cycle!

After Toowoomba we drove around 50kms to Pittsworth and then on to my Aunty and Uncles place west of Pittsworth.  We love visiting them, even if it was only one night.  As always both the company and food were excellent.  My cousin Neil, who I have not seen for many years, also dropped in to say hello that was a very pleasant surprise.

It was very cold this morning when we departed "Hawthorn" - around 1 degree - but that is the way it is in this neck of the woods at this time of the year.  Our destination today is Miles that is an easy drive.  We took the backroads that took us out to Brookstead, Pampas, Cecil Plains and back onto the highway at Dalby.  It was a road that we had not travelled previously and we enjoyed it.  On both sides of the road were paddocks filled with hundreds of bales of cotton ready to be loaded and taken to the nearest cotton gin at Dalby.  It is quite an awesome sight.

We found a place to stop at Dalby for a brunch break and the remainder of the journey into Miles went without any difficulty.  I deliberately chose the caravan park on the eastern side of town that is just across the road from the Miles Heritage Museum and Village so that once we had set up the van we wandered across to explore.  It was beautifully laid out.  I do love these village type museums.  There is always a huge amount to read but we just skip ahead to the things that interest us.  It was a pleasant way to enjoy the afternoon.  We chuckled at the fact that we recognised almost everything in the museum.  A sign of our age.......

After the museum it was a walk to the local IGA for a couple of items.  We try to purchase something, even if it is only a bottle of milk,  in every town we visit as it all helps the economy of the local community. By the time we had walked back to the van park, almost all the sites around us were taken and even after I took this photo a huge fifth wheeler has pulled in beside us.  We are packed in like sardines!

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