Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Day 231 Leyburn, Qld

After dozens of phone calls this morning we were able to pin point our loss of power to our levelling system.  Unbeknown to us the caravan levelling system is wired straight to the battery and we now know that it should have been wired into the Power System.  There has been a conflict that has eventually caused the failure of the system. All we needed was a power shunt, that costs just a couple of hundred dollars, and we would not have had any problem.  You never stop learning when you own a caravan!

This morning we drove to Toowoomba and were able to purchase a replacement power system, Lithium Battery and a Power Shunt.  The first two items were in stock but we will have to wait for 3-7 days for the Power Shunt as it is coming out of Melbourne.  The local auto electrician assures us that he will be able to connect everything once we have all the parts on hand. It's a big relief.

It took us the best part of the morning to drive all over Toowoomba to pick up the necessary parts so we didn't get to see my mum until lunch.  We swung by a fast food joint to pick up a burger before heading to mum's place.  The fast food drive through was extremely busy so it took us ages to get our meal.  This is the first fast food we have purchased in eight months and we were gobsmacked at how expensive fast food has become.  We won't be buying that again for a long time.  It is much cheaper (and better) to just cook your own food.

We didn't get back to Leyburn until well after 2.00pm and after doing a couple of loads of washing and having a cuppa and cake with our friend Wendy we took ourselves for a nice long walk around Leyburn.  It is a small town with just a pub and a fuel/grocery store, but in August every year the little town of just 150 residents comes alive with tens of thousands of people who come for the Leyburn Sprints.  Cars of every shape, size and horsepower race on a course around both the town and the shire over the course of two days.  There is even a monument set up in the Main Street celebrating the sprints.

After advice from Wendy, Philip and I walked down to the river and had intended to cross it and keep walking on that road but the river is still flowing over the crossing so instead we about turned and walked the other way towards the free camp area and the vineyards.  The winery is on the outskirts of town and they produce some pretty decent wines. The Tempranillo is particularly good. We walked back along the Main Street and finally made it home in time to sit down and have a beer with our friends while we watched the sunset.

All in all it has been a productive day and tonight we will sleep a little easier knowing that we have found the source of the problem and hopefully can have it rectified.  We are fortunate that we don't have to be home at any particular time as these kind of problems do take time to fix.  All we can be grateful for, is that it didn't happen at Cocklebiddy on the Nullarbor!

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