Wednesday, July 14, 2021

We make our own busy.

We certainly do make our own busy!  Since we have been home, can you believe just three weeks, it has been go, go go.   In our first week home most of our time was spent cleaning out the caravan and washing every single linen item including the mattress topper.  That meant a trip to the laundromat to use the industrial size as my washing machine is nowhere big enough to cope with that size. We also had a trip to the dry cleaner (aren't they expensive!) to freshen up our woollen overcoats. I'm not going back to the one I usually use as I swear they never cleaned my overcoat.

When we were away we decided to bite the bullet and buy me a town car.  I have unfortunately dented the Holden more times than I care to admit so we will take it to the panel beaters, have all the dings removed and then wrap it in cotton wool :-) 

Between the two of us we did a lot of research regarding a town car.  We were certainly restricted sizewise because, although we have a two car garage, it is more like one and a half cars.  Another problem was how long we wanted to wait for the perfect car.  Most salesmen we spoke to said that if we wanted a specific colour/transmission for our desired vehicle we would have a wait of around six months.  We had condensed our choices down to three, a Fiat Abarth, Toyota Yaris or Suzuki Swift.  The decision was eventually made easy for us because the only vehicle available to us in Cairns was the Suzuki Swift.

It was the right choice. I love it.  It is sunflower yellow and every single time I get behind the wheel I start smiling.  It is a great little car to drive and I really love the manual transmission!  I wondered how I would go with a manual after driving automatic cars for such a long time but it somewhat surprisingly came back to me in no time at all.  It is so easy to park after the Holden and I wondered why we hadn't bought something like this years ago.

After going to the movies in Hervey Bay when we were away we decided to make it a more regular thing and have now made Tuesdays Movie Day. We have seen Cruella, Dream Horse and the Hitmans Wifes Bodyguard.  All three were great albeit very different. The next we want to see is Buckleys Chance.  At one of our movie dates we were joined by our friends Michael and Jane.  It was Michaels birthday so after the movie we drove the short distance to the Bluewater Tavern for a delicious lunch where we were joined by Kate and Michael.  There was so much food on our table but we seemed to eat almost everything! It was great to get together again after being apart for so many months.

Last weekend we drove to Charters Towers for another friends 70th birthday.  I used to work for Robyn and Tony as a bookkeeper when they had the BP fuel run.  I enjoyed it so much as they are such a lovely family.  They have four kids, all now married with kids of their own.  The whole family has the greatest sense of humour and laughter comes easily. Each one of the kids had a story to tell at the party and were not worried about taking the mickey out of each other. We had such a great night and I was not surprised that we didn't get to bed until after 1.00pm.  

The next day we drove back to Townsville to have a night with our lifelong friends, Kevin and Karen.  K & K have completed a beautiful renovation on the old family home on the Strand in Townsville.  It's just so lovely and the minute you walk in the door you get this wonderful "at home" feeling.  We sat around shooting the breeze because as is always the case when you catch up with old friends, you have a lot to catch up on.  No siting up too late this night though as we all needed to catch up on sleep after the previous late night.

So that brings me to today where I have been to my first Zumba class.  I was totally out of step with everybody else but I enjoyed it and I'm sure that with time I will get to know the routine.  I'm also going to try the Zumba Aqua in the heated pool.  It sounds like fun.

Take care my friends.

Judi xx

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