Tuesday, June 11, 2019

It's official.....

...we are on the market!
We bought our property "Kur-A-Mar" in 2002 and moved here Christmas 2006 when our new house was finished.  It has been the best thing we have ever done.  Living here is such a joy and it will be hard to leave but we have made the decision.
Owning 220 acres is a big responsibility and it is a responsibility that we just don't want or need in this stage of our life.  It really brought it home to us how much a responsibility it is when we went on holidays for two months.  The time I spent organising someone to look after the agistment cattle, someone to mow the lawns, someone to service the pool and someone to look after the house and dog really brought it home to us how much easier it would be to live in an apartment and just close the door behind us.  So that is the direction we are headed.
We feel it is going to take a very long time to find the right person to buy our place but I'm sure that whoever buys it will love it as much as we do. So, the photographers have been and gone and the advertisements have now been finalised.  We are running advertisements on both domain.com and realestate.com  and for the next two weeks we will be running an advertisement in the Weekend Australian.  The property sign will go up when the weather clears and also the drone operator will do his footage when there are no clouds.
Hasn't it been a funny old year rain wise.  It has not stopped raining here for six months albeit light falls and I actually love it but it does hinder property maintenance.  With us being away for all that time, the weeds have really got a hold on and Philip is anxious to get out there and start spraying.  If we did nothing at all our property would be back to rainforest so we have to keep it all in check.
After the dreadful jet lag we are now back into our regular exercise regime.  Philip cycles at least five times a week and I manage to get a walk in most mornings  I have only been attending the Julatten yoga classes but hopefully will get to Port Douglas class this week as well.
Meals have been healthy with lots of soup entering our diet.  It really has been the weather for it. We have feasted on Chicken, Freekah and Vegetable Soup, Curried Cauliflower Soup and Tomato Soup.  I have some ham hocks in the freezer ready to make a batch of Pea and Ham next week.  We did have a break away from the healthy on Sunday when we had friends over for a Pizza Lunch.  I made four types of pizza, Ham and Pineapple, Margarita, Meatlovers and Vegetarian.  I also made an unusual garlic bread that I wish I had taken a photo of.  I had a  Pane Di Casa loaf and I cut a circle out of the top and placed a Camembert wheel inside.  I sliced the top off the Camembert and topped it with dried apricots and rosemary.  I replaced the top.  The rest of the bread loaf I sliced and spread garlic butter between the slices.  I popped the whole thing in the oven for 10 minutes and presented it to my friends.  It was really, REALLY delicious.  (We won't talk about calories).
Well folks that's all my news for this week. Wish us luck with the property sale.

xx Judi

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