Sunday, June 5, 2016

Winter might finally be here

It's a little cooler here today.  Living in the tropics winter is never very cold but the temperature probably dipped to 15 degrees overnight which is cool enough. The temperature can get down as low as 6 degrees but that hasn't happened for a few years.  Something to look forward to.......not!
We went down to Cairns last night to have a steam boat dinner with friends.  It's such a lovely way to eat, with everyone helping themselves from the large steamer.  We filled the steam boat with prawns, lobster, coral trout, bok choy, baby corn, mushrooms, snow peas, baby spinach, wombok cabbage, noodles and of course the fish stock.  We stayed the night with our friends so that we could have a few drinks without the worry of driving and were back home again by 10am this morning.
The last few weeks I have been enjoying making my own bread again.  There is just something about the taste and smell of this bread that brings back memories of the bakeries of my childhood.  Real bread not filled with preservatives.
I found a fabulous recipe HERE that is so very easy. The recipe is for the Thermomix, that I don't, and will never own, but I just throw everything into my good old sunbeam mixmaster with the dough hooks and "bobs your uncle"!
Love my Sunbeam Mixmaster

Ready for the second rise and then into the oven

 I have made bread rolls , cobb loaves and the high top (Below) and the recipe has never failed me so give it a go.  You will love the result.

Ready for some butter and vegemite!

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