Saturday, January 30, 2021


I have had a very busy few weeks and apologise for making the blog my last priority.  I keep saying to myself that things will slow down but that just seems an elusive dream.  I guess as women we don't really retire.  We still have all the same chores that we have had all our married lives. .....wash....clean.....rinse....repeat....

My last post was the 2nd January and here were are at almost the last day of January.  Back then we were tripping around in the van and just loving it.  Gosh it seems a lifetime ago.  We arrived home on the 10th of January.  Was that really only three weeks ago?  We always had a timeline to be home because Philip was booked in for his knee replacement on the 19th January.  I am pleased to report that it went well and he is now home.  He spent ten days in hospital so that he could get a good grip on the exercises that he has to complete twice a day and also so that he could be monitored for any potential infection.  He spent his 65th birthday in hospital and four of our dearest friends came to join us for cake and coffee to celebrate this milestone.  I received a letter in the mail this week to say that he is now eligible for a Seniors Card!

While Philip was in hospital I had almost daily visits from our Interior Designer (Selena).  The two bathrooms were 99% complete when we arrived home but silly things like towel rails, toilet holders and a glass shower screen had to be installed and the en-suite shower water was not running away (a piece of broken tile in the drain).   This entailed five different trades that all come at different times and days.  Selena always likes to be here when they arrive so that there are no mistakes.  She is worth her weight in gold and how lovely are the flowers she brought me....

While Philip was in hospital I drove in to see him each day.  It is an hour long round trip from Palm Cove to Cairns city and if you don't time it right and get caught in peak hour (as I did a couple of times) it can double your time.  But still I would never have missed seeing my hubby each day (and keeping the washing up to date).  We have become very tech savvy and used FaceTime in between visits.  We love the technology and it was a good way to fill in the hours in the day from Philips perspective.  Hospital can be very boring.

So what have we got planned for the next few weeks.  Well there will be twice weekly trips into the city for Philips gym sessions.  They run for three hours each session so I will be looking to visit friends to fill in my time (hello Jane!).  We will keep doing that for as long as it takes to get that knee absolutely working as it should.  It will be six weeks before Philip can get behind the wheel so I will be doing all of the driving in that time, and they say that full recovery will take at least 3 months and in some cases longer.  Philip is fit and strong so I don't doubt it will be a shorter period for him.

Well friends its time to prepare lunch.  I will probably bombard you all with posts now that my days are not quite so full.  I have so many photos from our holiday that I want to show you all so be prepared...

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